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Keeping your eavestroughs clean is not just about maintaining a neat appearance. Clean eavestroughs are vital to the health and function of your home. They help direct rainwater away from your roof and foundation, preventing water damage and costly repairs. When eavestroughs are clogged with leaves, debris, or dirt, their effectiveness is greatly reduced, leading to potential problems like water overflow, roof damage, and foundation issues.

Blocked eavestroughs can cause water to spill over the sides, leading to erosion around your home’s foundation. This can weaken the structural integrity of your home and cause leaks in your basement. Regular cleaning ensures that water flows smoothly through the eavestroughs and away from your home, protecting your property from water damage.

Moreover, regular maintenance of your eavestroughs can prevent the growth of mould and mildew, which thrive in damp, clogged environments. It also deters pests like mosquitoes and rodents from making a home in the stagnant water. By keeping your eavestroughs clean, you can extend their lifespan and maintain the overall health and safety of your home. In this guide, we’ll explore why it matters, the necessary tools, a step-by-step cleaning process, and some preventative measures to keep them clear.

Why Keeping Your Eavestroughs Clean Matters

Maintaining clean eavestroughs is essential for home protection. Clogged eavestroughs can lead to a host of problems, starting with water damage. When leaves, twigs, and other debris accumulate, they block the flow of water, causing it to spill over the edges. This not only damages your roof and fascia but also leads to pooling around your foundation, which can cause cracks and leaks.

Overflowing water can also lead to the formation of ice dams in winter. When water can’t flow freely, it freezes at the roof’s edge, causing ice buildups that can damage shingles and gutters. Ice dams can cause interior leaks and costly repairs, making preventive eavestrough cleaning an absolute necessity.

Mould and mildew thrive in damp, stagnant conditions, which is another issue with clogged eavestroughs. These fungi can spread to your home’s walls and roof, posing health risks to you and your family. Moreover, standing water in eavestroughs can attract pests like mosquitoes and rodents, which can cause further damage and health concerns. Regular cleaning helps avoid these problems, ensuring your home remains safe and healthy.

Tools You’ll Need for Eavestrough Cleaning

Cleaning your eavestroughs doesn’t require high-tech gadgets; simple tools can get the job done efficiently. First and foremost, you’ll need a sturdy ladder to reach your eavestroughs safely. Make sure it’s placed on stable ground and, if possible, have someone assist you for added safety.

A pair of heavy-duty gloves is essential to protect your hands from sharp debris and any muck accumulated in the eavestroughs. A scoop or a small garden trowel is perfect for removing larger debris like leaves and twigs. You might also want to get a bucket to collect the debris as you work your way along the eavestroughs.

A garden hose with a spray nozzle can help flush out smaller particles and remaining dirt. For hard-to-reach spots, a plumbing snake or a specialized gutter cleaning tool can be useful. Finally, a pair of safety goggles will protect your eyes from dirt and branches. With these tools in hand, you’ll be ready to tackle your eavestrough cleaning effectively and safely.

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning Your Eavestroughs

Cleaning your eavestroughs may seem daunting, but it’s manageable if you break it down into simple steps. First, ensure you have all your tools ready and your ladder is securely in place. Start by removing large debris like leaves and twigs using your gloved hands or a scoop. Place the debris in a bucket to avoid making a mess on the ground.

Next, use a garden hose to flush out the eavestrough. Start from the end opposite the downspout and work your way towards it. This ensures that any remaining small particles are washed away effectively. Be sure to check that the water flows smoothly through the downspout. If the downspout is clogged, use a plumbing snake or a specialized tool to clear the blockage.

After flushing, inspect the eavestroughs for any signs of damage or leaks. Look for cracks, rust spots, or loose joints. Repair any minor issues immediately to prevent them from worsening. Regular inspections during the cleaning process can save you from more significant repairs in the future. Once you’re done, ensure all tools are cleaned and stored properly for next time.

Preventative Measures to Keep Eavestroughs Clean

While regular cleaning is essential, there are several preventative measures you can take to keep your eavestroughs clean for more extended periods. One effective solution is installing gutter guards. These guards sit on top of your eavestroughs and prevent leaves and larger debris from entering while still allowing water to flow through. This reduces the frequency of cleaning needed and keeps the system functioning smoothly.

Another measure is trimming overhanging tree branches. Trees shed leaves and branches that can easily fall into eavestroughs. By keeping branches trimmed back, you can significantly reduce the amount of debris that ends up in your eavestroughs. Additionally, during the autumn season, consider cleaning your eavestroughs more frequently to handle the increased amount of falling leaves.

Lastly, regular inspections and timely maintenance can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems. After heavy storms or high winds, take a few minutes to check your eavestroughs for any debris or damage. Addressing these issues promptly will ensure that your eavestroughs continue to operate efficiently, protecting your home from water damage.


Keeping your eavestroughs clean is crucial for maintaining the health and safety of your home. Clean eavestroughs prevent water damage, pest infestations, and structural issues, ensuring that your house remains in good condition. Regular cleaning and preventative measures can save you from costly repairs and give you peace of mind.

Whether you choose to handle the cleaning yourself or hire professionals, the benefits are clear. Clean eavestroughs mean a safer, more efficient home, free from water damage and structural risks. Don’t neglect this vital part of home maintenance.

For those in Eastern Ontario seeking assistance with eavestrough cleaning or other exterior home repairs, consider reaching out to Magnum Exteriors. With over 30 years of experience, our eavestrough contractors are here to help you keep your home in top shape. Contact Magnum Exteriors today to ensure your home gets the care it deserves.